This is an update for my custom Sergeant Kup figure from the Transformers Generations series by Hasbro. I've added a few bullet/blast holes on this guy to give him some actual "battle damage". All bullet/blast damage was created with an exacto knife and then painted.
Front view of robot mode. I've added a few nicks on the sides of his shin area as well as a couple bullet holes/indents in his side chest plates.
Here's a close up of the chest damage. You can see one bullet hole on the lower right side, and another with cracks on the upper left side.
Right side. Here you can see the damage added to his arm guard and side leg panel.
Back side. Here, the only real damage was added to his upper back panel.
Here's a close up of the back panel with the three new bullet marks.
Left side. Here you can see the damage added to his arm guard and side leg panel.
Being that this is a Transformer, the vehicle mode has the same damage effects. But this will show how it translates to this new form. Side view with bullet damage on the door panel.
Front view. Bullet/blast damage to the hood and roof.
Side view with bullet damage on the door panel and near the rear tire.
Back view. Just a few scratches between the tail lights.
Kup with added decals from License plate, side view mirrors, and back windshield.