Cerebus The Aardvark

I was contacted by Mr. Simonsen of What Comics Entertainment a few years ago. He said he'd seen my work on Vimeo and wondered if I'd like to help animate a 3D animated film based on the comic book series Cerebus The Aardvark. He stated that it wasn't going to be a huge Hollywood budget film, but more of an Independent film that would stay true to the source material. Well, I've animated quite a bit for them now and it's getting close to being completed. Recently, I helped design the opening intro of the film.

Here's the intro I made for him posted on What Comics' youtube channel...

Cerebus Intro 

I had made this background for the text and logo to stand atop of. This is a Photoshop composite of 2 different parchments with 2 different boarders edited together.

Turns out Mr. Simonsen liked the background so much, that he wanted one to be featured in the final version of the film. So I went to work making another parchment background that would be AOK for commercial use.

And here it is. This one was made by combining 7 different parchment images together. The boarder was drawn myself, but based off some sort of medieval mosaic pattern I found.

 And here it is with the Cerebus logo.

These were even featured on What Comics' own blog for the film.